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Technische Universitat Berlin

10623 Berlin

Established: 1770

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Institute Brief
The internationally renowned Technische Universitat Berlin is located in Germanys capital city at the heart of Europe. Our academic activities are focused on achieving sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graduates with excellent qualifications and a modern approach to university administration. The TU Berlin strives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress through adherence to the core principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national and international networking with partners in science and industry are an important aspect in these endeavors.
The TU Berlin has adopted a number of reforms over the past few years to help strengthen its competitive edge, for example by adopting both a seven-school approach and a new fundamental organizational strategy that features an innovative university administration and committee structure. This process is now to be applied to all university endeavors - especially as state funds continue to dwindle and competition between universities increases.
The goals of the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and State Government to promote Science and Research at German Universities are to support top-notch research at German universities, to strengthen Germanys position in terms of the quality of its university system and as a hub for science and technology, in addition to improving international competitiveness. The graduate school "Berlin Mathematical School" and the cluster of excellence "Unifying Concepts of Catalysis" received funding from this nationwide competition.