Accredited: NAAC 'A' Grade Government
Institute Brief
In keeping with the lofty goals of the University the activities of the department are directed to discover the art world by plunging into the contemporary and avant-garde trends which transcend the geographical boundaries and identifying various aspects of art so that the live past can be woven into the living present and future. The main concern of the department is to explore and add new dimensions to visual art in the contemporary language.
The Department of Visual Arts has two ends, the acquisition and the dissemination of both theoretical and practical knowledge. The practicing Artists and Academicians in art and related fields from all over the world have been invited to give lectures, conduct workshops and share thought & ideas on concepts and Technical aspects in contemporary Art Practice. The department has plans to conduct two art camps every academic year. It also intends to start Exchange Programme for Students and Teachers in the near future with the other Universities & Institutions in India and abroad.
he University had constituted an expert advisory Committee to give valuable suggestions and recommendations for the healthy development of this department, the members include reputed senior Artists, Art Historians and Academicians. We who would enhance the academic standards and encourage a drive towards achievability in the Art practice of the country. Their vision and experience would help shapes this Department into becoming a great learning center in the state, as well as make a mark internationally.Bangalore University established the Department of VISUAL ARTS in 2004 by the then Hon’ble Vice chancellor Prof. M.S.Thimmappa realizing its dynamic and lofty ideal of evolving as a live cultural centre of higher learning in Visual Arts in this part of Country. Later on well supported by Former Vice-Chancellor Prof. H. Ranganath and supported continuously by our present Hon’ble Vice Chancellor.